March 31, 2014

My Busy Weekend Wrap Up

If you follow me on Twitter or even on Instagram you will know that I had an eventful weekend. No relaxing for me whatsoever. Go Go Go.

F R I D A Y / /

On Friday I went to lunch with my fiancée at Stone Fire Grill. One of the perks of working around the corner from your man is lunch dates can be as often as you want. When I got back from my lunch I checked my e-mail at work and saw that my mom had sent a message telling me that my dad had taken my sister to the hospital because she was in so much pain.

My sister is on MediCal (Medicaid in other states) and SSI/SSP. She became sick when she was 9 months old and has had 3 kidney transplants, making her permanently disabled (her story will come in another post, I spent 3 hours writing it all up on my iPad on Friday night only for Blogger to lose it!) and eligible for MediCal and other government services. Her normal hospital is Cedars Sinai (one that usually has many celebrity ‘guests’) but my dad was unable to get her that because she was in so much pain. We live about 45 minutes from Cedars but all she could withstand was the 20 minute drive to Tarzana Providence Medical Center.

My mom’s e-mail was scare – it basically said that my sister had 2 hernia’s in her intestines and if she didn’t have surgery right away she would die.

I won’t make this suspenseful, my sister is very much alive and recuperating from her surgery. But let me backtrack and tell the story of that evening.

My brother took my mom (who doesn’t drive) to the hospital after the kids got home from school and when I got off work an hour or two later I called her to see what was going on. She told me that they were trying something non-surgical to clear up the problem so I could go home and eat dinner and then if I could come to the hospital to bring her some things she had packed earlier but forgot to put in the car. I agreed and went home. I caught up on some Argentinean novelas and as the first was ending my mom called back saying that what the doctors’ were trying wasn’t working and that she would be going into surgery in 2 hours so if I could please come and bring the things so that my dad could go home for a while.

I got to the hospital just past 6:30pm and as I walked off the elevator on the floor of her room my mom was walking past them. They had just taken her into the OR. I went to talk to the nurse who told me that it would be a complicated surgery and that my sister could possible lose her kidney. They weren’t sure how long it would last but that if there was any news they would contact me.

My mom and I sat in the room my sister had been assigned and (as I mentioned above) I typed up my sisters’ life story per my mom’s memories. Sometime later my dad arrived and I went out to pick up some dinner. At some point during this is when the 5.1 Earthquake happened. I didn't feel it since we were in the center of the large building (and I was disappointed about that). 

My parents got sleepy.

The surgeon finally came out at 10:10pm (how do they stay up so late and do something so important?). He let us know that everything had gone well and her vitals were fine. We just had to wait to see if she would go to the ICU or back to the regular room. After what seemed like an eternity she was taken back to her room. My dad stayed while I took my mom home so she could sleep before going back the next morning for a 24 hour stay there. 

S A T U R D A Y / /

I took my mom back to the hospital early on Saturday morning. I stayed with her for most of the morning. My dad arrived around lunch time and we left my sister to sleep while we went to the cafeteria. While this hospital is very nice with a great staff, the food is not up to par. Soon after that I left and went to Thomas' house. 

We didn't get home until past midnight on Friday/Saturday, so when I got back to Thomas' house I went to sleep. I wanted to nap for an hour but I fell asleep for nearly 3. After my very relaxing nap Thomas and I headed to do some browsing of furniture. I wanted to have an outing where we could look at things and see what the other liked. This is where we discovered we have very different taste. We did agree on some items (although Thomas said he could change his mind on them).

Thomas likes items that have a lot of decorations on them, something I might have seen in some of my friends homes 20 years ago. I'm more modern, I think.

We did agree on this one, it's dark wood that he likes but simple enough for me. 

We enjoyed some In-N-Out in between shopping and then we went back to his house (where I broke down again), did some laundry, and watched a movie. 

S U N D A Y / /

Sunday was my bridal shower. While I looked forward to the bridal shower I also dreaded it. I knew that a lot of attention would be on me and I didn't not like that. It was not as bad as I thought it would be, however. It was very helpful that my mom was there (a trooper, she was going on some 30+ hours of being awake). Thomas and I got a lot of nice gifts (some of which were jus for me) that we will enjoy when we move in together. All pictures are on my Facebook page, but here are a few (I'll also make a post just about the party itself):

After the party I was exhausted. The weekend had caught up to me. Nikki spent the night (since she hadn't on Friday, which she always does).

It was a very long weekend. Stressful and fun and tiring. This week is not shaping up to be any better (lots of home buying stress left!). 

Dateless in Dallas

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  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed your shower! That color blue looks gorgeous on you, by the way!

  2. Awe! Look at you at your bridal shower! I don't like attention on me either, but once it's done and over with, I'm okay. :p I'm glad your sister is okay! That was so scary to read and I don't even know her! I ended up Googling about hernias because I have one in my belly button (from childbirth) and they're really bad to live with? So NOW I'm scheduling surgery... all because of you and your story. >_<

  3. Zero relaxing for you. Sorry to hear about all of the worry and stress. Do something for yourself this week, okay?

  4. What a stressful weekend! Please take a bubble bath and zone out with some champagne tonight!

  5. looks like u had a fun bridal shower! I cannot wait for mine this weekend! xoxo That tp game is my fav!
    Showered With Design

  6. Looks like a fun shower! xx, Elizabeth
