August 27, 2014

Wednesday Confessional

I'm making this fast because I did not have something scheduled for today...

... and I confess that even though I was not up on blogging, I did go ahead and prep a meal last nigh for tonight's dinner. Tonight will be pasta. How do I prep pasta you ask? Well by sautéing the onions with mushrooms last night and then this morning sticking them with with the pasta sauce and other things into a slow cooker. 

... I confess that the weight loss thing lost steam when I saw Costco had pumpkin pies in! Those are delicious. I may or may not have eaten an entire pie myself. 

Except that I put on a LOT more whipped cream than that.

... I confess that I had a tough night on Monday. Nothing went my way (minor compared to others) and I became over whelmed and began crying. 

... I confess that I had some vivid dreams last night. I couldn't explain them all, but as I type this I can remember thinking things were real and now realizing that they couldn't have happened. 

... I confess that I went to the back to school night for my niece and nephew's school last night. They both have amazing teachers! I think they will both have a great year (5th grade and 1st grade). 

... I confess that Thomas and I tried a restaurant that was new to us for lunch yesterday (awesome part of working down the block from each other) and it was great. Plus Tuesday's are their special offer days so we lucked out. 

... I confess that my intent is to use the 2 weeks that Thomas is out of town to clean up the office and get it organized. I might make a trip to IKEA and buy a bookcase that I really feel like we need at this point. 

And that will be it for this week! 

Vodka and Soda

August 25, 2014

On My Mind....

The following is the random things that have been rolling around my mind the last few weeks. 

...I used to, when I started my current job, try to fit in with a group of girls. It sort of worked. I ended up eating lunch with them and going out to lunch with them on Fridays. But I always got the feeling that I was the fifth wheel. So when I got engaged in November of last year it was automatic for me to spend my breaks and lunches in my cubicle so that I could plan the wedding. I only had 4.5 months to plan it after all. Apparently they were offended (or so it seemed to me).  Either way I started enjoying spending the time on my own. I began being better friends with a unit member who sits near me...and I have to say I feel better. I feel like I don't have to pretend to be someone else. And I don't have to worry about what others think about me. I'm very grateful I found it in me to realize this. I'm also thankful that it makes me feel so good every day.

... The Ice Bucket Challenge. They are awesome and that is all there is to say. I know there are tons of other things going on in the world that we should be worrying about, but that doesn't make this any less important. There have been tons of naysayers out there. I don't know what their reasoning is behind poopooing the challenge, but I say forget them. The campaign has raised nearly (or over) $50 million! That's a lot of money over a period of less than a month. Also the idea that it has contributed to the drought that we are in is stupid. When you take a long shower you are wasting an incredible amount of water, same when you leave the faucet running when brushing your teeth. In addition some of the people are saving water by doing it right before a shower, in oceans, streams, lakes, or rivers, or like me In a swimming pool. So lay off the high horse, you are not fooling anyone.

...I've had a lack of deep posts lately, which I relate to feeling overwhelmed lately. Although people say that I'm good at multitasking I can't seem to get anything taken care of without getting my office organized. I had gotten control of it but then it spiraled out of control. With the last few weekends being super busy I haven't had a chance to work on it. This weekend was no different. I spent weekend mornings doing grocery shopping and then the afternoons at game groups.

Thomas leaves for work early next month so I'm going to take advantage and use the time to finish getting the house put together.

...trainings suck. I had to be trained (along with many coworkers) in a program at work. The head of the training a section at my job gave my office a guide for us. Except the guide is designed for different offices, not a call center so it had a lot of information that we didn't need and was missing a lot of what we should know. Which made sitting through 5 days of the training mostly torture.

I hope everyone has a good Monday and a great week! My weekend included playing lots of games with strangers, grocery shopping,  and not cleaning the office. We went to dinner on Saturday night with my family and then went to see The Giver at the theater. All in all a good weekend! 

Ember Grey

Ameliorer la Vie

August 20, 2014

I confess that...

… I have a new car that I didn’t really need right now. It’s gorgeous:

Thanks to Thomas' cousin (posing with me) who got us a great deal!

… Thomas has a new car that he really did need:

… I was feeling anxious about getting the car since I didn’t need it. Thomas and I have had many expenses this year (after all buying a home and having a wedding aren’t cheap!) and we didn’t necessarily need to add to it. However we were able to pay for my car in cash and, after doing some budgeting – something we haven’t done yet -, we realized that it would take us 10 months to save up the cost of the car. 

This made us keep looking into how long it will take for us to save up enough for a down payment on a house. Not going into details, it will take us about 5 years, possibly a bit longer with the costs of having kids added (however we should both have some bumps in our salary in that period of time as well). 

… I still cry about my sisters’ passing. One of my co-worker’s mom passed away last week, another’s father passed away this week… and it just gets to me. Also when I have to let people know she has passed. 

… I’ve been in training this week and I’m tired of it. I want to go back to my work. 

… Okay I can’t stop talking about my car. It’s so pretty and shiny and has cute inside toys! But it doesn’t have navigation which is sad, but I guess it is okay. My phone works and Thomas’ car does have it. I’m pretty good with directions anyway

... I confess that I really wanted to train someone but after 2 weeks I am ready to go back to just taking my own calls.  

... I almost forgot this one... I'm donating blood to the Red Cross at work today! I help to organize and put it together (okay, I get most (if not all) of the sign ups, put up signs, and got people to help clear out the room so that the Red Cross can come and set up for the donations. And I donate blood. *wipes brow* Okay, it's not hard and I like doing it. Last year our office earned a plaque from the Red Cross for increasing our donations 233% (what a coincidence that it was my first year at the office ;) - can I toot my own horn anymore? This year we will have a total of 3 donations (we had one in March, the one today, and again in November) so I'm hoping we get some sort of recognition. 

Vodka and Soda

August 18, 2014

Weekend Warp Up - Car Edition

This weekend was all about cars! As I mentioned on Friday Thomas and I were looking to buy a car for him to replace a 2000 Jeep Cherokee which is on its last leg before needing a lot of work done to get it in good condition (no A/C, window doesn't roll up, etc etc). Thomas kept going back and forth over which car he wanted. 

He has a cousin who works for GM so we headed there first. We saw a couple of cars there but I wanted to look at the Toyota Venza which I had been wanting for 5 years. As soon as I got in it though I really didn't like it. The only positive part of it was the cell phone holder not worth buying a car over. We left thinking we'd go back and get the Chevy Equinox we had seen at GM. 


Thomas doesn't really smile in pictures much.

On Saturday morning we headed to a different Toyota dealer who showed us the Prius which Thomas had been talking about over the course of the week. He loved it. He didn't even have to test drive it. But they weren't really giving us too great a deal so we took the information they gave us and headed over to GM to talk to his cousin. He also wanted to check out the Camaro, as I'm sure most men want to. He wasn't too happy with it though and continued talking about the Prius - even though his cousin was very adamantly against him going that way. 

His cousin called Toyota and got us hooked up with a deal which we were going to check out at 9:30am Sunday morning. At that point we had been out looking at cars for 5 hours and we had guests coming over in 30 minutes. We had started to go over my car but the color I chose wasn't in stock so they had to order it from another dealership which should have it over to them by this afternoon (crosses fingers). 

We had 2 strangers along with Thomas' sister and her friend come over to our place Saturday night to play some games. We played Munchkin which was new to all of us, Cards Against Humanity, and Bonanza. All very fun games!


In the Sunday morning paper there was an ad for another Toyota dealership offering the Prius 4 (we had been looking for the Prius 3) for quite a low price (under $25k). We got over to that dealership before they opened and were the first ones there. The car was in the color he wanted and after major dealing and wheeling and another 5 hours of talking and signing papers we finally had a car! 

Except we don't. 

After we went through the financing and signing all the paperwork we went out to get the keys and take a look around the car. Almost immediately I spotted a small, but significant, scratch on the back bumper. Something that you might get fixed if you had the car for a year, for a brand new car we definitely needed that fixed. We left the car there so that they can repaint the back bumper and buff out a few other areas around the car. 

It's hard to see, but right near the middle you can see two marks. It was really hard to photograph, but trust me - it's there!

We'll get to pick it up either late tonight or tomorrow (more likely tomorrow). 

We ended Sunday by picking up a wood chest to put at the food of our bed. I received an e-mail that it was being given away through Freecycle (check it out if you haven't!). It's a really nice piece! The same couple is giving away a headboard/sides for free as well which we are also getting! These are probably worth $1500 between the two all for free! I'll post pictures of them once I get them all! The chest is sitting in Thomas' Jeep at the moment because the elevator in our building is broken and we can't bring up 2 floors :(. 

I hope your weekends were as entertaining and fun as ours! I feel very grateful that my husband and I are in an economic place where buying two cars is feasible. These car purchases are not putting us under and we are not using money we don't have. In the field of work I am in most people I help don't have cars and probably never will - even a cheap 10 year old used one - so I feel very grateful to be where I am and to be able to make the purchases we wan to make.

Ameliorer la Vie

Grateful Heart Linkup with Ember Grey

August 15, 2014

Week Long Rewind and A GIVEAWAY!

Wow, what happened to me? I reach 100 followers on BlogLovin and I start slacking off? I had a very busy weekend which made it impossible for me to get a post out for Monday, and then Monday night Thomas and I ended up going out (more on that in a moment) and that ended any hopes of getting a post out for Tuesday. My post on Wednesday was written early in the morning and was inspired by all the other posts that I had been reading. 

So here is a mixed post of last weekend and the week. 

On Saturday I was offered overtime at work (along with some 60 other people) so I worked from 8am until 2:30pm. At time and a half I didn’t mind it. It was something different than what we normally do, so it was a nice change of pace.  Thomas and I were trying to do a game night for Saturday but no one wanted to come (sad face) so we ended up going to his parent’s house for dinner (for him) and a game. 

We ended up playing Cards Against Humanity. If you’ve played this then you know that it’s a pretty inappropriate game. And we played it with his parents, uncle, and older sister. It was hilarious! I loved it! 

I took my niece to get her hair cut on Sunday morning and we then did a bunch of shopping. I had a lot of grocery shopping to do for the week. I’m still working on my meal planning and sticking to it. The good news for you guys is that I will be having a raffle for a meal planner! The planner is pretty awesome! It was my first Etsy purchase and a good one! Keep an eye out for that post in the coming couple of weeks. In the meantime check out her shop.

I ended up walking 5 miles (thank you Galaxy S 5 S Health!) throughout the day. I was beat! Still, I got up from my short nap around 5pm and made some spinach gnocchi. And by made I mean I hand made it all! They weren’t as good as in the past. 

The week started off interestingly enough. I got home from work and was taking the elevator up to the 2nd floor when it stopped moving. I could tell it had stopped at the 1st floor (we have a G, 1st and 2nd) and no matter what I pressed it wouldn’t move and the doors wouldn’t open. I finally pushed the red “STOP” button which made it go up to the 2nd floor. Apparently this has been happening. Great. 

When I got in the condo with Thomas he decided that he didn’t want to register his Jeep and we should go looking for a new car. He called his cousin who works for GM/Chevy and after a quick steak dinner off we went to look at cars. 

As of right now we have two contenders. We first tried out the Chevy Equinox and then headed over to Toyota to look at their Venza. I’ve been admiring that car since I got mine 5 years ago. Let’s say that I’m disappointed. It’s not as pretty on the inside as I thought. Maybe it’s because we had just looked at the other car which had lots of bells and whistles. Thomas, on the other hand, actually like the Venza better. He test drove both vehicles and he said the Venza felt better, sturdier. 

The problem is that the base model of the Venza starts at about $30k, and the luxury version of the Equinox would run us under $25k (which is the maximum we wanted to spend). Thomas is agreeing to the Equinox, but I’m suggesting to go to the other Toyota dealer and seeing what deals they want to offer. While I prefer the Equinox (and I’m totally a Toyota person at heart) and would love having it, the car is for Thomas and he should decide what he wants. 

Tuesday was the first day of school for my niece and nephew. They entered 1st and 5th grades. My nephew's reaction when I asked him if he was ready was "yea, it's just 1st grade". 

Wow! My butt looks huge here

The rest of the week was pretty laid back. I have more overtime tomorrow until 2:30pm. At 3 I'm going back to help feed the homeless, and then right after that my husband and I are hosting a game night (and hopefully the people who signed up will go!). 

Have a great weekend!

I'm also participating in a giveaway that ends tonight!!! Don't forget to enter! If we reach 1000 entries we'll add $10!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

August 13, 2014

I Also Grieve

Like most others out there I am feeling sad for the loss we all experienced on Monday. I even feel a sort of guilt that he gave us so much joy while he was suffering so deeply inside. I hope that the joy he gave us was some sort of solace for him during his life. 

I know there are many controversies over whether his suicide is selfish or not. Even FOX News called him a coward on Monday. I'm with, I think, the majority in disagreeing with those type of statements. Rachel from With Love, Rachel did a great job talking about this in her post today. Yesterday, my sister, who has battled depression throughout her adult life posted a link that also talks about how suicide is not something that should be treated as selfish. Both people explain how depression is an illness like any other physical illness you need medical attention for. Unless you've experienced that illness for yourself it is hard to understand what the person is going through. I suggest you read both links. 

I was in the lunch room at work when a co-worker asked me if I had heard about it. At first I hoped he was joking and that it was a hoax like the many you see online. Unfortunately we saw that it was not. 

The first thing that came to mind was a poem that my mom had memorized and recited to me often (mostly because I requested her to). The poem is in Spanish, written by Mexican Author Juan de Dios Peza

I'll copy it here in Spanish and the English translation that my sister created a while back. I suggest you read it, it fits perfectly with Robin and his life and ultimate death.


Viendo a Garrick -actor de la Inglaterra-
el pueblo al aplaudirlo le decía:
“Eres el más gracioso de la tierra,
y más feliz…” y el cómico reía.

Víctimas del spleen, los altos lores
en sus noches más negras y pesadas,
iban a ver al rey de los actores,
y cambiaban su spleen en carcajadas.

Una vez, ante un médico famoso,
llegóse un hombre de mirar sombrío:
sufro -le dijo-, un mal tan espantoso
como esta palidez del rostro mío.

Nada me causa encanto ni atractivo;
no me importan mi nombre ni mi suerte;
en un eterno spleen muriendo vivo,
y es mi única pasión la de la muerte.

-Viajad y os distraeréis. -¡Tanto he viajado!
-Las lecturas buscad. -¡Tanto he leído!
-Que os ame una mujer. -¡Si soy amado!
-Un título adquirid. -¡Noble he nacido!

-¿Pobre seréis quizá? -Tengo riquezas.
-¿De lisonjas gustáis? -¡Tantas escucho!
-¿Qué tenéis de familia? -Mis tristezas.
-¿Vais a los cementerios? -Mucho… mucho.

-De vuestra vida actual ¿tenéis testigos?
-Sí, mas no dejo que me impongan yugos:
yo les llamo a los muertos mis amigos;
y les llamo a los vivos, mis verdugos.

Me deja -agrega el médico- perplejo
vuestro mal, y no debe acobardaros;
tomad hoy por receta este consejo
“Sólo viendo a Garrick podréis curaros”.
-¿A Garrik? -Sí, a Garrick… La más remisa
y austera sociedad le busca ansiosa;
todo aquel que lo ve muere de risa;
¡Tiene una gracia artística asombrosa!
-¿Y a mí me hará reír? -¡Ah! sí, os lo juro;
Él sí; nada más él; más… ¿qué os inquieta?
-Así -dijo el enfermo-, no me curo:
¡Yo soy Garrick!… Cambiadme la receta.

¡Cuántos hay que, cansados de la vida,
enfermos de pesar, muertos de tedio,
hacen reír como el actor suicida,
sin encontrar para su mal remedio!

¡Ay! ¡Cuántas veces al reír se llora!
¡Nadie en lo alegre de la risa fíe,
porque en los seres que el dolor devora
el alma llora cuando el rostro ríe!

Si se muere la fe, si huye la calma,
si sólo abrojos nuestra planta pisa,
lanza a la faz la tempestad del alma
un relámpago triste: la sonrisa.

El carnaval del mundo engaña tanto,
que las vidas son breves mascaradas;
aquí aprendemos a reír con llanto,
y también a llorar con carcajadas.

To Laugh While Crying

Watching Garrik – an actor from England -
the people would say applauding:
“You are the funniest one on earth
and the happiest one…”
And the comedian would laugh.

Victims of melancholy, the highest lords,
during their darkest and heaviest nights
would go see the king of actors
and change their melancholy into roars of laughter.

Once, before a famous doctor,
came a man with eyes so somber:
“I suffer – he said -, an illness so horrible
as this paleness of my face”

“Nothing holds any enchantment or attractiveness;
I don’t care about my name or my fate
I die living an eternal melancholy
and my only hope is that of death”.

- Travel and distract yourself
- I’ve traveled so much!
- Search for readings
- I’ve read so much!
- Have a woman love you
- But I am loved
- Get a title
- I was born a noble

- Might you be poor?
- I have richnesses
- Do you like compliments?
- I hear so many!
- What do you have as a family?
- My sadness
- Do you go to the cemeteries?
- Often, very often.

- Of your current life, do you have witnesses?
- Yes, but I don’t let them impose their burdens;
I call the dead my friends;
I call the living my executioners.

- It leaves me – added the doctor – perplexed
your illness and I must not scare you;
Take today this advise as a prescription
only watching Garrik you can be cured.

-Yes, Garrik… The most indolent
and austere society anxiously seeks him;
everyone who sees him, dies of laughter;
he has an amazing artistic grace.

- And me? Will he make me laugh?
-Ah, yes, I swear it;
he and no one but him; but… what disturbs you?
-So  – said the patient – I won’t be cured;
I am Garrik! Change my prescription.

How many are there who, tired of life,
ill with pain, dead with tedium,
make others laugh as the suicidal actor,
without finding a remedy for their illness!

Ay! How often we laugh when we cry!
Nobody trust the merriment of laughter,
because in those beings devoured by pain,
the soul groans when the face laughs!

If faith dies, if calm flees,
if our feet only step on thistles,
the tempest of the soul hurls to the face,
a sad lighting: a smile.

The carnival of the world is such a trickster,
that life is but a short masquerade;
here we learn to laugh with tears
and also to cry with laughter.

Vodka and Soda

August 8, 2014

Pits & Peaks Of the Week

It’s been a semi-eventful week. 

/ / On Tuesday we attended the last movie in the park which was combined with National Night Out. They showed the Lego Movie which, apparently, is Jonathan’s favorite movie. As I’ve mentioned in the past the event is free and it includes free dinner, popcorn, and face painting. Since this time it was combined with NNO (I made the abbreviation up) they had booths from around town (the Valley) as well as LAPD and Target. Yes, Target! 

Target gave away some notebooks, colored pencils, pens, and crayons in addition to some blow up beach balls and Frisbees. They held raffles for some backpacks, too. The best part, though, was that they had 3 different stores represented. Each one had some butcher paper and they gave the kids the opportunity to put their handprints on the paper. I haven’t gone to our Target to see it yet but I’ll post a picture when I do. 

/ / Wednesday night I abandoned Thomas again (he didn’t go to the movie in the park) and went shopping with my mom. We didn’t buy anything, but we got out of the house and Jonathan got to play in the mall playground which he enjoyed. I also scheduled Nikki and appointment to get her hair cut at JC Penney ($10 back to school special!) for Sunday morning. 

/ / Thursday I was able to spend (finally) some time with Thomas and make some yummy pork dinner. I’ve discovered that I really like pork and it’s really low in calories, which fits into my calorie counting diet. I don’t know how much Thomas actually likes pork, but until he complains I’ll keep making it. I make him mashed potatoes or rice with the pork along with a veggie for him to enjoy. 

/ / My supervisor came back from her vacation on Tuesday. I adore my supervisor and she definitely makes my life at work easier. 

/ / On Thursday we received Cards Against Humanity in the mail! I cannot wait to play it! 


/ /  I really can't think of any pits for this week. 

August 6, 2014

Dash for Organ Donation

Some of you know that my sister, Gabriela, passed away on May 21st of this year. After 3 kidney transplants and periods of years on dialysis since she was just 9 months, old she passed away due to intestinal blockages. 

My sisters’ first transplant was a kidney from my mom and her second was from a man who died in a motorcycle accident. The last, in 2007, was from a selfless, caring, amazing person who decided that she wanted to help save someone’s life by giving part of herself. 

Katie Welch, in her mid-twenties at the time, and my sister came into communication and Katie told my sister she would be willing to donate one of her kidneys to my sister out of the kindness of her heart. The word for this is altruistic. Not many people that I’ve encountered over the years know this word because there aren’t many people out there who truly are to the extent that Katie is. 

The kidney that Katie donated was strong and gave my sister 7 years of happiness. Seven years of extended life, of not having to go to dialysis three times a week. 

Now she is once again doing something so very kind. Katie will be participating in the Dash for Organ Donation in Alaska. She is raising money for Alaska Kidney Patients Association Inc.  on September 20th

I know that we are all asked to donate money every time we turn around and that times are tough economically and we don’t all have much to spare. But if between now and the race in September you happen to have a few extra dollars ($1? $5? $10?) please consider donating it to Katie and the Alaska Kidney Patients. 

If you don’t personally know someone who is in need of an organ transplant you may not know the following facts:

  • 18 people die daily while waiting for a transplant, 14 of which were waiting for a new kidney.
  • 1 deceased organ donar can save up to 8 lives
  • 122,737 (as of 5/21/14) men, women and children currently need organ transplants
  • Of those 100,602 are waiting for a kidney transplant.
  • Every 10 minutes a name is added to that list. 
  • In 2014 there were 14,029 kidney transplants. 9,314 of those came from deceased donors and 4,715 came from living donors. 
  • In 2014 there was only 1 unrelated anonymous donation (like my sisters’). 

Thank you for reading this. If you have a moment to share on your blog or tweet about this it would be incredible. 

It's not typical confessions... but I confess I would love for you to help! 

Vodka and Soda

The Hump Day Blog Hop

August 5, 2014

Weekend Review: Where's the Wallet?

I’m a day late and a dollar short… okay a day late, but not the dollar thing – I’ve just always wanted to say that. 

I mentioned that I spent Saturday evening helping at a food pantry to give out food to those in need but I thought I would go ahead and talk about the rest of my weekend, too. 

My mom has wanted to take the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese for a while now and we have ended up being busy every weekend, so early last week I suggested we got this past Saturday. Thomas had been out of town for a few days, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t bail on the kids (especially Jonathan who was so excited about it). 

We had a very interesting start to our trip to CEC. I had purchased Cards Against Humanity online that morning and had forgotten my wallet on the bed. I didn’t realize this until I was picking my mom up. I called Thomas and asked him to bring it downstairs for me in 5 minutes. My mom got in the car and I picked up the kids and exactly 5 minutes after I called him I sent him a text to let him know I was on my way. 

I parked in front of my building and waited. I texted him. I called him. I texted again. No response. Finally I went upstairs. I walk in and everything was like when I left except that he wasn’t on the couch. I went to the bed to get the wallet but I didn’t see it. I called his name but he didn’t respond so I went back down thinking that we crossed each other. He wasn’t in the parking garage or the lobby. I was fuming at this point. I drove back to my parents (2 blocks) and then back towards my house and called him again. No response. I sent a ranty text and then we just left. 

Over the next hour I continued trying to get a hold of him by text and calls. Nothing. I was worried. My stomach was in knots. What if he was hurt? What had happened? A bit over an hour after I called him initially I called the HOA president who lives on the same floor as we do. I asked her if she could go and check on him. She said she would and that she’d call me back. It was probably only a few minutes but it felt like a lifetime before my phone rang. It was Thomas. 

Apparently in the 5 minute time span from when I asked him to bring the wallet down to the time I called/texted him he forgot I had asked this of him. When I had gone back upstairs I didn’t see him because he was in the 2nd bedroom playing video games. The door to the hallway was closed like when I left so I didn’t think he had gone in there. 


That was basically the most exciting part of my weekend. Unless you count the 25 cent oil based Sharpies we got on Sunday at Office Max. That was good, too. 

August 4, 2014

Grateful Monday + Giveaway!

One thing I've wanted to do since I was a teenager was feed those people less fortunate than myself. I never really had the initiative to find a way to do this. 

I am very fortunate. My family never needed to go to a food bank or be on welfare. My parents did attempt to apply for food stamps (SNAP) when they arrived in the US, but because their car was over the value that had been set they were denied. The only aid my parents ever needed was WIC. 

We are VERY fortunate. My dad was able to find a good job with health insurance that we were able to live off of. He never made a lot of money, but we were always comfortable in middle class. 

I've always felt fortunate and grateful and it has made me want to help others. Many times it is by giving someone whom I see on the street a meal or trying to do a pay it forward type thing. 

On Saturday when I was dropping my nephew off at his house my brother told me that my niece was going to be going with her mom to help feed the homeless that afternoon at a nearby church. 

It was meant to be. 

After doing some errands I took my niece and went to the church. 

It was an INCREDIBLE experience. I helped with checking in the people who were coming in. Each person got to get two hot meal items. They had some pasta as well as packaged (organic!) sandwiches. Then they got to write down some things they wanted off a list of available products (on this day it was diapers, adult diapers, lotion, milk, eggs and some other items) which they picked up after their hot food. 

We were there for about 2 hours. They do this daily! I won't be able to go daily but I do plan on going at least every other week. 

The organization is called FISH:

Have you ever worked in a food pantry or with any organization that helps the less fortunate? How did it go? 

I'm also participating in a giveaway this week! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ameliorer la Vie

Grateful Heart Monday linkup

August 2, 2014

Accent Vlog Husband Edition

I was telling my husband about the Vlog link up and made him make one for me. I thought he was hilarious, what do you think? 

Does he have an accent? 

(how can I make this bigger???)

I couldn't help but laugh during it! 

August 1, 2014

VLOG: Accent Edition!

When I read about this link-up on The Other Juliette I got excited! Then I said, eh... it'll be fun to see others do it, but not me. You see, I don't like hearing my voice. Then I thought about Monday's post and how we shouldn't worry about what others think... and so I did the Vlog. Then I proceeded to ask for what you think! 

It was fun to do in the end, and easier since my husband wasn't home when I did it!

Now, what do you think? Do I have an accent?
