February 25, 2014

Welcome To Him & Me!

Welcome to my first post on Him & Me (But Mostly Me!).

Although this is my first post here, I have been blogging since 2002 when I started college. I use blogging as a release for my stress so you will find a wide variety of posts. I decided to start a new blog because I’m entering a new part of my life. I got engaged in 11/2013 and will be married on April 26, 2014 to my one and only, Thomas. He will probably make many appearances in my posts. Not only are we getting married in just 2 months. We are also in the process of purchasing a home. As I’ve waited to make decisions on what to name my blog and then to set it up I’ve written a few posts which I will be posted here in the next couple of days – these go into the wedding and our home buying experiences.  I look forward to writing about my life as a wife and homeowner and sharing my ups and downs with my readers (are there any out there?).

I want to share a little background on my blog-writing. As I mentioned above my first blog began on Live Journal in 2002 when I moved to a dorm room at Long Beach State. During probably the first year or two (or three) of my blogging I treated my blog like Twitter (remember, this is pre-Twitter). Of course I matured of the last 11+ years and so my posts have evolved. Still, I never developed into some of the more serious bloggers out there (maybe you?) that review things, hold giveaways, and are sponsored. Quite honestly I don’t have the patience or dedication for that. That said, until the past couple of years I’ve been a pretty consistent blogger. A few years back I blogged every single day of the year, even when it was just a nonsense post. I would like to one day have all my posts printed out, but that will have to be a project for the future.

After being on Live Journal for a few years I came to Blogger for a short while before moving to WordPress. I’ve had a few different of blogs on there (including a couple of main ones and a side one that I was using for my short-lived teaching career) and liked the way it worked. However when I was deciding to start a new blog I knew that I wanted it to have an amazing design because that would help keep me interested and coming back to post more. In order to have that I knew that Blogger was my best bet. I searched for designers for a while before choosing Brianna at Sparkle Out Loud. Not only did she have some amazing layouts in her portfolio, but her prices were much more reasonable than most. Brianna has been amazing even when I bombarded her with questions (including the dumb ones). I recommend her to anyone wanting to get a new layout made.

Lastly I wanted to mention the title of my blog. I would have to say that I am not a very creative person. I had a very difficult time coming up with a name. I scoured the internet for potential names, I enlisted friends and family and was still having a hard time. I finally decided on Him & Me which my friend at work thought was boring. Then I decided to spice it up with (But Mostly Me) because we all know it will be about me, my actions, my feelings, etc. He will just make a few appearances here and there. I thought it was cute if not catchy. I also liked it because I can add to it once we have kids (which won’t be for a couple of years yet).

In the coming days I will also post a little history on Thomas and myself, so please check back!

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  1. Oh the good old livejournal days :) I remember lj fondly.

    I'm not very creative with blog titles either. It's hard coming up with something you like and that someone has not already taken.
