May 26, 2014

Peaches In England

Hi everyone! I'm off enjoying the amazingness of South America so today I'm sharing with you this post from the lovely Amanda Nicole from Peaches in Missouri! Enjoy a short trip through Europe with her! 

Hello! Since Kathy is on her honeymoon in Argentina, I thought I’d tell you all about my trip to England in December of 2008.

I had never really traveled anywhere outside the few states that surround Georgia, so this was huge for me. I spent weeks planning things to do and figuring out what to pack. It was my first flight EVER, but I was not nervous. I was excited! I should have slept on the flight over, but I just couldn’t get comfortable enough, so I read, watched the in flight movies, or just stared out the window at the land/sea and sky. I saw the sunrise from 30,000 feet in the air; it was magical. I ended up having horrible jet lag; I should have slept on the plane. Next time I’m taking sleeping pills!

It was Christmas time, and seeing all the wonderful decorations and experiencing British traditions was a treat. I was able to explore several different areas while I was there, and the first one was the JFK Memorial on a plot of land that was given to the US in honor of his memory.

I was able to visit a few sites where the Harry Potter movies were filmed! Virginia Waters is where some of the lake scenes were filmed and Trinity Church in Oxford is where some of the school scenes were filmed.

I have a crazy fascination with British history and was super excited to venture out to Surrey to see Hampton Court. King Henry VIII, a few of his wives, and Cardinal Woolsey lived here for a while. This was, by far, my favorite part of the trip. The castle and gardens are so beautiful and so much history in every stone.

Windsor Castle was up next that day. Unfortunately you cannot take pictures inside the castle so I don’t really have many, but I did catch a small change of the guard in the courtyard!

For four days I explored the city of London: King’s Cross Station, Tower Bridge, The Tower of London, The Globe Theater, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and I even rode the London Eye.

That sorta ended up being a bit of a photo dump… my bad. But, I had an amazing time and I want to go back one day and visit all the places I wasn’t able to see.  

Have you travelled overseas? What was your favorite vacation?

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