March 1, 2015

Stand Up Sunday - Week 6

1. How many pounds did you gain or lose? 

I started the week at 158.8lbs. I ended at 158.6lbs. A total loss of .2 ounces.

2. How many inches did you gain or lose?

I still haven’t measured myself… so nothing to add here!

3. Your weekly exercise or step goal, and did you meet it?

So far the FitBit is working. I walked a total of 82,785 steps (as of 8:30pm on Saturday) this week! I try my hardest to make my step goal each day. Those of you who are friends with me on FitBit you might see hat I didn't reach 10k steps on Monday or Friday, but as you can see by my total number of steps I made up for it on other days.

4. What was your biggest challenge this week?

The weekends are becoming my hardest challenge. When I'm home or, worse, when I'm out doing things on the weekends I can get off track. This week because Thomas had surgery at the hospital I had a hard time. There was a farmer's market there that day and I bought some not-so-good things. They are all gone now, but the damage was done.

5. What is your favorite healthy snack or meal?

A week ago I went picked grapefruit and oranges, so I was loving grapefruit this week! Delicious!! 

6. Do you have any advice or tips for the rest of us?

My issues with weekends then to be that I go out and don't bring anything to eat with me and then when I get home my blood sugar is low and I just need to eat and don't have the energy to make myself anything. So plan your weekends out as you do your weekdays would be my advice - at least for myself.

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