March 2, 2015

Hubby's Conversation With A Nurse

As I mentioned on here last week my husband had his tonsils removed as well as his deviated septum fixed on Thursday. I had my camera ready when he came out of sedation. 

As you guys have probably figured out by now my husband is a character... so I wasn't really surprised at what I caught on video.

Although this wasn't MY conversation, I knew I needed to share it with you guys! 


If you can't see the video click here!

My Grateful Heart today is for my mother-in-law. She came to the hospital and waited with me and then did grocery shopping for Thomas and spent Friday with him while I was at work. I love my husband... but I knew that I needed the day at work. My mother-in-law is great at helping out when we need her and doing it willingly. She rocks! No evil in-law stories in my marriage! 

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey


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  1. HAHAHA! That's great! Thanks for sharing that!

  2. BAHAHAHAHA! This is amazing! Thank you for getting this on video!

  3. The video is the best part!!! Word of mouth would not have done it justice!

  4. I'm happy to share it! It's too good not to!
