April 26, 2014


As you read this…. I will either be hours away from becoming a Mrs. or already one!


I’ll update you all on that later… when I get a chance to breathe!

I’ve asked the guests at my wedding to upload pictures to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter using #TKWed. I don’t know if they will oblige, but just in case, hop on over to those sites and see if you can spot any pictures of my wedding day!

I hope everyone is having a great Saturday and WONDERFUL weekend!

PS. I'm sorry I'm not commenting, the internet at our new place won't be turned on until May 3rd so not sure how posting or commenting will be going until then!

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  1. I'm so excited and thrilled for you that you are getting married! :) Congrats on being a newlywed and soak it all up.... It's a wonderful time! Yay! I will for sure look at your pictures, I'm excited to see how beautiful you look!

  2. IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! Enjoy this day and I can't freaking wait to see pictures! I will definitely be stalking your Instagram and Twitter feed all day!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you have a wonderful day and make a lot of great memories. Best of luck to the both of you! xx, Elizabeth


  4. Congratulations!!! I hope your wedding was absolutely wonderful!!! <3

  5. Congrats hun!! Definitely want to see pictures!!
