May 12, 2014

Weekend Recap/Monday Rewind

This weekend felt nice. Which sort of hurts to write. I shouldn't be feeling nice/good/fine. 

Friday was tough. My mom went to visit my sister in the hospital and... well it's just not good news. I broke down at work. I broke down on Saturday with my husband. I broke down on the phone with my eldest sister. 

The day ended in higher spirits. My niece and nephew's school was having a Family Fun Night event and my dad and I took them so they could play games, jump, and generally have tons of fun. 

Daddy and me selfie.

That's Jonathan up there! 

Nikki had a blueberryItalian Ice, can you tell?

Jonathan with his best friend, Evan!

Playing  a carnival game.

Mmmmm, yummy quesadillas for dinner!

On Saturday morning I took my momma to the dentist and then met my friend at the park with the kids for the opening of a new playground which includes a water area - a total cost of $1.8 million!

Mitchell Englander, our city counsel member.

Ribbon cutting ceremony.

We ended up staying at the park for a good 2 to 3 hours. The kids had a blast. 

I spent the afternoon and evening relaxing and slowly cleaning some parts/areas of the condo. Slowly but surely! 

I did get the "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" decoration up over our bed...

On Sunday Thomas and I took our mom's out to lunch.

I look soooo small! 

His mom invited us over for dinner Sunday night, along with his sisters and brother-in-law. 

I finally got the items that our neighbors lent us back to them Sunday night as well. I also packed all my clothing on Sunday night. I need many more items to pack, but it's a start. I'm frustrated because since my things aren't put away and organized I can't find things that I need for the trip (ie: sneakers). I'm also starting to feel stressed about being able to get everything ready before Friday. This includes actually planning the itinerary. 

While I already have the flights reserved and paid for as well as the hotels, I really want to have it organized and written out. I'll work on that this week during work (so that means less blogging!). As with everything it will all work out, but the in between sucks.

Happy Monday!

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  1. So sorry to hear there's bad news about your sister, but don't feel guilty that you still enjoyed your weekend. That's part of the acceptance/healing process <3

    1. Thank you Jesse! It means a lot to be told/reminded that I'm not being selfish.

  2. I'm sorry about your sister, but I'm glad you were still able to have fun.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your sister

  4. So sorry about your sister. Jesse is right though, you shouldn't feel selfish this is a happy time for you. I'm sure she wouldn't want anything to bring you down during your first weeks as newlyweds and your honeymoon!
