May 5, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up 5/5/15

I had another busy weekend, as could be expected. While the wedding is finally over there is still a lot of work today. We leave on our honeymoon in less than 2 weeks (OMG! It hasn't really hit me yet because of moving, but I get to go to Argentina so soon!) and our house is a disaster! 

We did take a few steps forward and maybe a couple back this weekend with the delivery of all the furniture for our home.

A pre-look into our living room as seen from master bedroom.

Looking from where the bed is, before bedroom furniture was delivered. 

Sleep Number people blowing up our new California King mattress.

The view of our living room from the front door - before furniture (obviously).

Living room from the dining room.

Dining room from the living room.

We've made progress! The couch has been delivered! (View from the front door, bonus Thomas in picture)

View of the living room from fireplace - I love my couch!  Thomas does not like the coffee table anymore, so it may be sold off.

Yay! A dining room table! 

California King all blown up!

Finally a bedroom set! 

Dresser with the small TV on it - now there is a 60"!

A chest of drawers that we definitely needed to put our clothes away.

No before pictures - this is the office. This is my desk!

Thomas' desk! 

I cannot wait until I have everything put away and organized. I'm hoping I can at least get all the clothes put away before the honeymoon - that is my goal. If I can have everything except the bar and the office organized before 5/16/14 I'll be happy. 

In between all that I did run some errands... again. On Saturday I went with my brother to Wal*Mart and then on Sunday I went to Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl's and Anna's Linens. Unfortunately I only remembered to take one picture.

Oh! And of course on Friday night Thomas and I headed to Fry's where I bought a new camera! I'm excited to use it for our honeymoon - all the pictures in this post (minus the TV one) were taken by the new Canon Powershot. 

On Sunday Thomas and I went to Costco and picked up two 60" Vizio TV's - one for the bedroom and one for the living room. We have a third TV, which will go in the office, that is a small 32". 

How was your weekend?

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  1. So I love that couch! Looks like you guys are making a lot of progress!

  2. Sorry you have a blow up matress, is that a norm in the US or something?
