May 1, 2014

Throwback Thursday: I wanted to be....

I almost skipped this week’s prompt – only because I haven’t been able to catch up on my life and not doing it seemed a lot easier than sitting down and actually thinking about it.  However, as I sat at work Thursday I thought about it and decided that late will be better than never and this one is close to my heart these days.

Many of you will know, from previous posts, that my sister is currently in the ICU at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. She is not doing too well at the moment due to intestinal issues. But before she had intestinal problems she had chronic kidney problems. My sister got sick at 9 months and has had 3 transplants in her 42 years of life. I was born when she was 12 ½ years old, and 3 years before she got her 2nd transplant.

Because I grew up around hospitals and doctors there was only one thing that I wanted to be when I grew up: a “kidney doctor” so I could cure my sister. This is actually written somewhere, in some book, by my mom. Now I know they are called “nephrologists” but back then I simply saw them as “kidney doctors”.

Unfortunately I was never smart enough to be a doctor, not even close, but luckily my sister has had some of the best doctors out there and kidney-wise is doing perfectly, after receiving a 3rd kidney in 2006 (19 years after the 2nd one). If I were little now I would probably want to be a surgeon that could take care of my sister’s intestinal hole.

Instead of being a doctor I got a degree in Journalism and then a teaching credential. I am doing neither, instead I am working the public sector as what is basically a social worker (but not nearly as nice). I love my job, though, so it worked out in the end.

Throwback Thursday Stories

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1 comment :

  1. Faccio tanti auguri a tua sorella e credo che sia una donna molto forte e tanta voglia di vivere . E a te caro fra tellone vorrei semplicemente dirti che la vita é come un uovo di pasqua cé sempre la sorpresa a volte é bella e a Volte é brutta . Ti faccio un imbocca a lupo e vi saluto .un'abbraccio.
