September 12, 2014

My Traditions

I was definitely drawn to this topic.

I love traditions.

That being said I don’t know that our family has many of them. My parents were never big into traditions – everything was done whenever we wanted it done. Everyone made their own meals, no dinners at the table.

A tradition that did have to end was that I spent every Christmas at my sisters’ house. It started in 2000 or 2001 and continued until 2012. Beginning with last year it has become impossible for me to get Christmas Eve or the days after off of work, so I’m unable to make the trip north.

I would like to start traditions though. I am hoping to start a 4th of July tradition of throwing a BBQ party at our place before heading out to catch some fireworks.

Thomas’ family has their own traditions for Christmas. They spend Christmas Eve at his parents place (with cousins, aunts, uncles, everyone there) and eat a pot luck before exchanging presents via a game. They also spend Christmas day at a different family members’ house.

While I love his traditions, we will have to learn to compromise and split them between both our families. In 2015 Christmas day falls on a Friday, which means that we could either fly up or drive up on Christmas Eve and spend the weekend with my sister and her family.

We will see if I can get him to agree to that.

However, I am sure that once we have children I will want to spend Christmas Eve’s close by and to be home early to open a present of new pajamas and then going to bed so that Santa can come and leave presents for the little ones.

What are your traditions? Or which ones would you like to have?

Brave Love Blog


  1. Traditions are always fun.

    We always open one present on Christmas Eve. After dinner.

  2. I've always loved silly traditions - for example celebrating my half birthday. It's neat and it's something special all to my own. We enjoy it even more than the real birthday (because it's in the spring rather than the fall!)

  3. I love traditions. And since getting married I have come to realization that I'm going to have to start some of my own that will fit the dynamic of my new extended family.
