January 19, 2015

Announcing Step Up Sunday Link-Up!

I am excited to announce that I am teaming up with Rebekah and Britt to bring you the Step Up Sunday Linkup!

It will be a weekly linkup where we can all share our progress in trying to lose weight while supporting one another. The linkup will also be a great way to accountable to your weight loss and health goals. It's like a Weight Watchers meeting without the actual meeting! Don't worry - no one will see or know your weight if you don't want them to! 

We will be posting our progress using "-3 lbs" or "+3 lbs" each week. Feel free to post even if you just go down an ounce or two - it all counts! The linkup will go live next Sunday January 25th and every Sunday after that, so be sure to log your current stats to track your progress for this week! 

I know for most of us, posting on Sunday is pretty foreign, but it seems like Sunday is a common weigh-in day for a lot of people and each post should be quick and easy! Below are the prompts for each week. Feel free to respond to whichever ones you like. If you don't feel comfortable sharing the number of pounds or inches lost, that is ok! And if you happen to gain, don't be embarrassed. It happens to all of us and we are here to support one another. Also, if you have a pedometer, you can set a weekly step goal for yourself and track your progress every week, or simply track your weekly exercise if you don't track your steps. 

1. How many pounds did you gain or lose? 
2. How many inches did you gain or lose? 
3. Your weekly exercise or step goal, and did you meet it? 
4. What was your biggest challenge this week? 
5. What is your favorite healthy snack or meal? 
6. Do you have any advice or tips for the rest of us?

Feel free to grab the button and link up with us next Sunday - January 25th! 

The Straight Arrow

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