March 10, 2014

Hey! It's Okay.... Tuesday!

Airing My Dirty Laundry

I really needed this Link-Up today!

Buying a house and getting married simultaneously is hard work and very stressful (among other things!). It started to catch up to me again on Monday, so telling myself it’s okay… really helps!  This is my first time participating! Yay!

Hey! It's okay... that I indulged this weekend and ate what I wanted! 

Hey! It's okay... that I got really upset at our realtor doing a craptastic job in communicating with us. She's working for us and she will be paid a lot of money!

Hey! It's okay... that Thomas and I went to a movie on Monday night! We saw Non-Stop which was pretty nice. It really had me guessing as to who the bad guys were! 

Hey! It's okay... that I feel sad about moving away from my mommy and daddy (even we are moving down the block!)

Hey! It's okay... to want our wedding to be a certain way and to be sad when things don't go my way. 

Hey! It's okay... that I want to buy a new french door refrigerator even though the condo we are buying has a side-by side one. It's not in great condition and it seemed to have missing shelves. 

(doesn't it look amazing??)

Hey! It's okay... that I can't think of anything else I'm okay with right now. 

Happy Tuesday! 

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  1. I wanna see that movie!!

    Good luck with your wedding plans and buying a house.. those are some huge life milestones.

    I'm linkin' up too!! :)

  2. That's a nice fridge.

    I want to see Non-Stop. Looks interesting.
