March 9, 2014

The Sunday Social Week 1 (for me)

I am loving all these Link-Ups. It's a great way for me to discover new blogs and hopefully get my blog name out there. It also definitely helps in giving me post inspiration. 

I am not huge into Pinterest, mostly because I am not a crafty person nor am I huge into clothing or fashion. Still I have some pins from the past so I wanted to participate today. 

1. What is your favorite outfit pin?

I love this color!

2. What is your favorite food pin?

These look amazing. A friend made them once but I haven't tried yet. Maybe in my new house! 

3. What is your favorite wedding pin?

This was a hard one! Since I'm just 48 (!) days away from our wedding I have tons of these to go through. I would have to say that this is at the top.

4. What is your favorite DIY/craft pin?

I'm not doing this one exactly, but it's close. 

5. What is your favorite quote/verse/lyric pin?

Nothing needs to be said about this.

6. Share one random pin you love.

After I broke up with the guy I dated before Thomas I was heartbroken. I lost 10 lbs in a week... I was a wreck. Then I found this quote in a wallpaper for my phone. It got me through the tough times. When I met Thomas I realized how true i was. 

 photo himsignature_zps66b5c889.png


  1. I LOVE #4! I'm a huge fan of DIY and crafty weddings! I can't wait to see what you do for yours *excited squeel*

    1. I can't wait either!!! lol Hopefully as nice as those!
