March 11, 2014

Wednesday Confessional... I needed it!

Wow. I have quite a bit to confess this week or at least they are heavy confessions, especially since some things have not been going the way I hoped. A few of these confessions will lead to posts in and of themselves. Let’s get straight to it:

I confess…. that I get angry very quickly and take a while to “move on”. Examples of this include the current situation with our realtor. She has not been very good at communicating with us and her way of expressing herself has been insulting. I’m still angry and I have to watch myself before replying to emails.

I confess… that work frustrates me sometimes, even though I love it. For some reason there are people in my office (of 300 people or so) that don’t like me and complain about me even though I have done nothing toward them.

(I feel like this way too often!)

I confess… that I have made a great friend at work and she is great at lifting my spirits and listening to me. I am so thankful for her and many other people who are great! I don’t make friends easily so it is great to work with people whom I can consider friends and not just co-workers.

I confess… that I am a cry baby. I hate confrontations and will usually get emotional about them. When I get bad news (like when I didn’t get the townhouse we wanted to buy a few weeks ago) I can become inconsolable. It’s pretty ridiculous sometimes.

I confess… that I’m doing well so far this week at sticking to my eating goals, although I am going to dinner tonight for Thomas’ parents wedding anniversary. It’s a seafood restaurant and I don’t eat seafood – however there will be chicken on the menu!

I confess… that I am getting excited about having our own home and how I will decorate/organize my home. It’s really a dream come true for me and I am SO looking forward to it. At the same time I am being very cautious because I’ve gotten excited about 3 other homes and I didn’t get any of them.

I confess... that I don't know where to get good gifs from, so if you have suggestions, please tell me!

To end on a happy note….

I confess… that I will be married in less than a month and a half! That is just mind-boggling!

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  1. Oh I would totally find a new realtor. You are the customer and shouldn't be spoken down to.

    1. I agree! Unfortunately I do't think we can at this point... I'll keep people posted on twitter until I write about it all. Thanks for stopping bye!

  2. Thanks for the info!! I know I shouldn't care, and I don't except when it directly affects be being able to do what I'm supposed to be doing. Have a great day!

  3. Yay for being almost married, that is very exciting!!

  4. Hey Kathy! I completely understand about the workplace thing. Its a perpetual problem of mine. People just dont like me even if i'm the kindest person and never did anything to them. Hang it there though! :) I've had an emotional week myself and have come to terms with the fact that I too am reeaaallly really sensitive. I really have to curb it sometimes. Also, a great GIF site that I highly recommend is It really is like the holy grail of GIFS. Hope that helps my dear and have a lovely rest of the week! xo


    1. I hope that your week gets better! Thanks for commenting today! :) Thanks sooo much for the gif site!!! Will definitely have to spend some time on there ASAP!

  5. Congrats on the upcoming nuptials!! How exciting! I don't even know how to do the gif's sorry wish I could help haaa

    1. Hehe, well thanks for stopping by and commenting! Makes my heart happy!

  6. Aww...the stress of planning a wedding! haha...I don't miss that part! Congratulations on you guys upcoming wedding!

    1. Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. Amen to being a crybaby! That's what my post today was all about :) Also I love the name of your blog!! So cute!

    1. Thanks so much! And I'm glad I'm not the only crybaby!!!

  8. I never care if anyone likes me or not. If they don't, they have a reason or their loss. LOL

    Good luck with the house! I'm sorry your realtor sucks. My husband is a realtor and I know how important it is to have a good relationship with that person.

    1. Definitely important! Well, I guess you live and you learn, right? Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Aww, congrats on the upcoming wedding! (but why does your sidebar say you are a newly "mrs"?) Anywho, some realtors just don't do a very good job. They don't pay attention to their clients, do half-ass searches for homes that aren't even in their price range or preference, and then don't make the extra effort. I know b/c I've been through it several times and my sister's a realtor, so she tells me a lot about the industry. Anywho, hope this realtor steps it up, or you find someone else!! (You don't happen to be in Virginia??). Found you via Kathy's linkup.

    1. Haha it says Mrs because I didn't want to have to pay to get it changed later on, so I figured it's close enough now! :) Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. :)
