March 12, 2014

Wedding Wednesday!

I’m a little late at this, but how can I miss talking about my upcoming wedding? Yes, I know, I’ve blogged about it quite a bit but I think I need to blog about it again because it has definitely been in the back of my mind because of our home buying drama.

There are 45 days left until our big day (or 1 month, 14 days, etc etc). That is a VERY short period of time! I am nervous and excited about it… but mostly I haven’t had time to think about it. So let’s change that! Let me delve into my wedding and enjoy being engaged and planning the event!

Let’s rewind a few months.

When we got engaged in November 2013 I thought our engagement was going to be over a year long and we had PLENTY of time to make a guest list, find a location, decide the colors, etc. I thought it would be relaxing to know that I was getting married and that he had proposed. While I was relieved that he finally given me a ring, things moved forward very quickly and I discovered that I’m someone that is organized and keeps things going on some sort of timeline (or I go crazy).

We originally were going to get married on 12/13/14 but when Thomas realized (before I did) that I was going to stress out about the planning he said we should move the wedding up. To the spring. I was thrown off by this because he was the one who had told me that December was too soon! I wasn’t going to argue with him, though. A day or two later we set the date of April 26th.  The date doesn’t have any significance, it was just the most appropriate date for us.

Once I had that date secured I was off and running. I had already purchased my dress at that point as well as my niece’s bridesmaid dresses. I knew my color would be a blue hue right away and the Malibu Blue/Turquoise one was perfect (especially since it is EVERYWHERE!).  In less than 2 months I had figured out just about everything for the wedding. I had reserved the ceremony location, ordered my catering, had my invitations ready to be ordered, I had even handmade Save the Dates!

Which is where I will start off next week! 

Wedding Wednesday

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