March 14, 2014

Pit & Peak Friday

(I have to start this by saying that I start so many things at work with the words ‘PT called…’ that I know start EVERYTHING with that, including this post!)

Go on over to their blogs because they ROCK!!!

I think everyone always says “it’s a long week”, but really it’s gone pretty fast, it’s already Friday!!!

Let’s get the Pits out of the way…

1) My mom got VERY upset when my niece tore the arm/heads off some Barbie’s on Saturday night. It cause quite the ruckus and it made everyone unhappy.

2) I found out on Tuesday that our realtor didn’t sent the information in a timely manner to our loan officer causing our loan to be delayed up to 6 days!

(I mean, seriously, do you know how to do your job?)

3) My ribs/nerves have been very painful, even under the strong drugs I’m taking. Worse, I don’t think there is anything that can be done to make me feel better.

There might be one or more pits, but it’s time to be happy! Peaks:

1)  I got to visit with my nieces, sister and brother-in-law. I had a great time watching movies, shopping, eating Coldstone’s, and going to look at the stars.

2) We got our loan process started on Wednesday and submitted today! One step closer to having those keys in our hands!

3)  Thomas and I celebrated his parent’s 36th wedding anniversary on Tuesday night.

4)  I’ve been able to watch my favorite TV shows which include some hot looking guys (Chicago Fire!)

(he is so delicious to look at!)

5)  I really want to succeed at blogging this time around. I don’t think I want make my blog into a money-making blog (mostly because it is beyond what I know how to do) but I want to have a stable readership and be able to continue making posts and having ideas for those posts. I’ve worked out some sort of plan (involving sticky notes in my cubicle at work) and I’m very excited for Him & Her!

Special Request: Is anyone who is good with graphics/creating willing to help me out with a simple request for my wedding? Please let me know!

I hope everyone has a GREAT Friday and I can’t wait to read your Pits & Peaks!

(PS, how am I doing with the GIFs?)

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  1. first of all, taylor kinney in gif form? WINS THE INTERNET. he's so delish.

    i would have gotten upset at breaking toys as well. my 5yr old did that ONCE and i took it away and she didn't get anything for a whole month!!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda
