June 6, 2014

Bridal Shower - Family Edition

I know that this is super late, but better late than never, right?

My bridal shower was put together at just about the last minute. My Maid of Honor lives out of state and I wasn’t expecting her to come down for a shower as well as the wedding itself. Also I really didn’t think it would be something that I would enjoy. I am not one to choose the limelight and my anxiety in those situations goes through the roof (and if you follow me on Twitter you will definitely know about this). However, his cousin and aunt were really interested in throwing one for me and even though my initial reaction was to say no – but I didn’t want to be rude, though, so I agreed to it.

They planned and prepared for the shower without much help from me. They asked me some questions and got names for invitees, but it was a complete surprise when I arrived at his cousins’ house on March 30th.

But let me backtrack a little bit. As I mentioned this type of event makes me very anxious and I was already in pre-panic attack mode the day before. Right before heading to the house I took 1.5mg of Ativan to calm my nerves and anxiety. Let me add that it is prescribed to me for just these occasions. It worked. I felt calm during the entire shower (although I did learn the side effect of depression that night – that was horrible).

My mom was in the hospital with  my sister that day so I had to pick her up and drive her home so she could shower and change before going to the shower. She was exhausted! But she was a trooper to accompany me. We arrived and there were balloons in front the house. My friend and Thomas’ aunt and grandmother were arriving at the same time. As my mom held Thomas’ cousins’ 2 year old one of the balloons popped startling the whole crowd.

The house was decorated amazingly and I was worried that they took more care in making center pieces than I did for the actual wedding!

I was excited to have some people there that I don’t see too often and also to have my future in-laws sharing the celebration with me.

We played a few games. I was bad blogger and didn’t take good pictures, but we played the “what’s in your purse” game, “unscramble the words” game, and then, of course the toilet paper wedding dress game.

I think everyone had a great time. Especially with all the food that was available for us to eat!

I was also spoiled with a ton of presents! We got a lot of very useful and practical gifts and some very thoughtful ones as well. We are so grateful and amazed at everyone’s thoughtfulness. We are blessed!

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  1. I remember this day. I also remember telling you to enjoy this time and it looks like you did! So proud of you for facing that fear of the limelight. :)

  2. Hehe, I've never seen the TP wedding dress game - that's amazing!
