June 7, 2014

Bridal Shower @ Work

Also a bit late on this one... but better late than never! 

I was very lucky to be given two bridal showers! The first was the one I talked about here thrown by Thomas’ family and then 2nd was thrown by my co-workers.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but I really love my job. Like any other there are things that annoy me, but the majority of the people around me are amazing and caring and I am so lucky to work with them and call them friends.

The bridal party wasn’t a surprise because they all knew that I would find out by one mouth or another, so I knew it was coming from the week before. I just didn’t know what it would be like and who would be attending.

I could describe how amazing everything was, but let me have the pictures (I remembered this time!) speak for themselves:

One of the games was for them to make things out of toilet paper, these are the results.

I was so surprised at all the presents/gift cards I received! I definitely was not expecting their generosity!

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