February 4, 2015

Wednesday Wishes - Missing My Hubby

My husband is out of town this week and I miss him tremendously. I got to kiss him goodbye on Monday morning and he’ll be back in time to kiss me goodnight on Friday night, but I miss him very much each day in between.

My husband does say “I Love You” throughout the day when we are together, but sometimes does just feels like the same ‘ol same ‘ol. But on Monday I talked to my hubby while he was at the airport waiting for his flight and the first thing he said was “I’m already missing you, babe!”. It just tugs at my heart strings.

I can be a judgmental person and not believe the things he says, so sometimes I just brush it off as something he feels forced to say. But I have to remind myself that it’s not. He loves me and I know he misses me like I miss him (although I think it’s easier on the person who leaves than the one who stays).

While my husband will only be gone a few days and he only travels a few times a year for work, and at most 2 weeks at a time, there are so many husbands (and wives) out there that are gone for months and even years at a time in the military. Amber, over at Airing My Dirty Laundry, is currently doing the solo thing while her husband is deployed.

So my wish today is for the wives and husbands at home who have to do the job of mom and dad to their kids – I wish them a peaceful and stress-free time while their loved one is away. I wish their spouse returns soon to hug and kiss them good morning and good night. My wish for them is also to hold on to every “love you” or “miss you” that they receive – your spouse loves you and misses you too and can’t wait to get home to you!

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  1. What a sweet wish! I hope the time flies while he's away!

  2. Nice wish.
    Hopefully time flies while he is gone and he's back before you know it!

  3. What a sweet post! Hope the week goes quickly for you!

  4. what a great wish! LOVE this. Esp since Josh was without me all last month and I know this hits home to a LOT of people. lovely.

  5. I've gone shopping with my mom twice and over for tea another day -so only one more day without him!

  6. Thanks! So far so good. Only tonight and then tomorrow night and he's back!

  7. I can imagine what Josh went through! He must be soooo happy to have you home!

  8. Thanks! I spend a lot of time with my family so it does :)

  9. Such a sweet, heartfelt post - I will join you in those wishes!!
    PS - only one more sleep until your hubby is back! :)
