February 18, 2015

Wednesday Wishes - BSB style

(yes, another BSB post... but from the comments I take many of you love them like I do!)

I love the Backstreet Boys and I’m not ashamed to say it.

I went to a movie in the summer of 1998 with a friend and a song was playing in the theater she told me who it belonged to and that was it. My dad took me to 3 different stores that same day to find the CD. I went to my sisters’ house for a couple of weeks that summer. Coincidently they were doing a show in a nearby city and my brother-in-law offered to take me and see if we could get tickets.  Someone was selling lawn seats for $19 each. Score.

I’ve lost count of how many concerts I’ve been to. I know I went 4 times in one tour, so I’m guessing I’ve seen them in concert at least 10 times, the most recent back in 2013.  Some of you around my age will remember the MTV show FANatic. My best friend from high school and I submitted a video way back when. We became friends with the local DJ (who ended up joining the band for a 100 hour trip around the world many years ago) and slept outside the Jay Leno show to see them.

I was an avid fan throughout my high school years, then, around the time I went to college they sort of slowed down. Kevin left the group and the other guys released a couple of albums without him which I thought were okay, with some good songs, but mostly I wasn’t impressed. I did go to their shows – and had alcohol as I was over 21 by that time.

I never stopped liking them, but life changed and so my music listening habits changed. Other than listening to them I don’t generally listen to anyone. Talk radio is the setting in my car.

Then they came back in a big way with their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and a free show relatively close to me (which Thomas took me to along with Nikki) and then their tour (which I went to with Nikki) – it all came rushing back. Their latest CD, In A World Like This, is amazing. It’s the first one they produced themselves and they wrote or co-wrote many of the songs on the album. It made a difference. They sound great and it makes me feel like I did when I was a teen.

Somewhere in between something great happened. My eldest niece, Mika, started being a fan. She became obsessed with them like I was at her age (I was about a year or two older actually). I didn’t even instigate it (although my sister does blame me). I think it’s great, though, because now I can share this with her. When I visited her in January we spent the entire weekend watching their videos on YouTube (something that wasn’t as readily available back in my day). Her dad took me to my first BSB concert and took her to her first last year. And now we get to text each other about our loves.

The guys released a documentary about their rise to fame as well as their private lives growing up in January and Mika went to see it that night with her dad. I got to see it later on in the weekend – I took Nikki since Thomas would not go with me (how rude!). The documentary was great. Not only was it enjoyable to watch the movie and see their lives, but it was great to see it among other women who still love the guys as much as I do.

I can’t wait for the next 20 years of their careers!

Love the Here and Now
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  1. I love BSB so much. I wasn't so much a fan anymore after Kevin left though. I'm glad they are all back though and making great music again. They are a group that so obviously love their fans. I would love to do the cruise they do every year...
