July 18, 2014

Pit & Peak Friday! 7/18/14

This week was not too eventful but let’s go for it!


Thomas was out of town this week (and won’t be home until tonight). 

Argentina lost the world cup by a last minute goal by Germany. We did an excellent job and I’m proud of the team and our country. 

I seem to be getting fatter and fatter. I need to buy a new battery for my food scale. Not having one has been my excuse for not counting calories and re-starting my diet. With no holiday’s or birthday’s for a couple of months ahead of me I really need to get back on and lose my honeymoon weight. 

My rib/nerve pain has been growing – oh wait, I already made this a pit last week. 

My best friend from work was out three days this week and that made me sad. Her son was sick, but luckily he is feeling better.


I had some time alone! Although I do miss having my husband around, I did get to have a night on my own. Nikki spent the other nights with me, but I enjoyed my one night on my own. 

I invited my dad over for one night and made him some bacon wrapped chicken. Delicious I believe! 

I got a new washer and dryer! They were delivered on Thursday afternoon. Luckily my mommy and daddy were able to go to my house and wait for them to be delivered and accept them. I did a load last night and I love them! 

With the help of my mom I was able to clean up my condo a bit more. I still have a very long way to go, but I got a bit more organized. Mommies are good like that. I’m hoping that a free weekend will help me in getting things organized. I’m hoping that is this weekend! 

That's it for this week!

I’ll let you guys know how the organizing went. I really want to be able to set myself up in the office, but so far I don’t have a monitor (and I still really want an iMac, I’m waiting for my birthday, though). I need to set up the filing cabinet and decide where decorations are going to go. I also need to start putting things up!

1 comment :

  1. Bacon wrapped chicken. YUM. I have a delicious recipe you might like.

