July 8, 2014

What Do You Do When You Are Alone

There hasn’t been much of this in my life. I lived with my parents until I got married. Now I live with my husband (high five for being Captain Obvious!), but he does travel for work often. 

When we got back from Argentina he was only home two weeks before he was sent across the country for two weeks. He was home for a week and then they sent him back across the country for another week. So technically I should be having a lot of time alone. 

However, for the 2 weeks that he was gone in mid-June my nieces were with me every night, except for 2 nights in which my mom came to spend the night (since my dad was also out of town and she was home alone, too). 

This time, though, I’ve decided that I want to be alone. I want to experience being able to pick anything I want to watch on TV, eat whatever I want for dinner, and not have to worry about picking up after anyone. Now, I may get tired of being alone and go sleep in my old bed (I MISS MY OLD BED!). Actually, I might do this one night anyway because my daddy misses me. 

What do I do when I’m alone, though? I TAKE MY PANTS OFF AS SOON AS I WALK IN THE DOOR! (Hear me Allie?) Okay, I do that anyway and I always have. I cannot stand wearing pants or a bra once I get home (or anytime). I take them off and put on a nightgown. 


  1. I enjoy some alone time once in a while but not real often. My husband was gone over the weekend and by late Saturday night I was bawling because I missed him so much. I usually throw off my pants when I get home too, although the bra's gotta stay!

  2. I do the same thing when I get home. The pants have got to go. Sorry, not sorry.

  3. i love alone time so much sometimes. even if its for a few hours, i can watch a movie my husband hates or eat all the food or sleep. im always happy when he comes home, but sometimes you just need alone time!

  4. The first thing I do when I get home and change into comfy clothes and take off my bra. Seriouslsy, it's like heaven.

  5. No pants, no bra, every girls thoughts on comfy!

  6. You go girl! Eat crappy food, while watching trashy tv, with no pants on!

  7. Alone time every now and then is well worth it plus NO PANTS!

  8. I never mind being alone! I LOVE having the bed to myself and watching whatever I want on TV.

  9. Hahaha! I do the same thing! I could live in my pajamas 24/7!
