July 7, 2014

Things That Brighten My Day

There are so many... here are but a few:

  • The smell of my new leather wallet makes me smile. I got the wallet in Argentina on accident when I had to make up a difference in price after exchanging my brothers’ leather jacket. The spaces for credit cards are tight and my ID sticks half way out, but MAN does it smell awesome every time I go into my purse! 
  • I took my nieces and nephew to the pool twice when they stayed with me. The pool is in our building and in front of the recreation room that the building shares. I am itching to have a summer pool party. I have to wait until I get my house under control before I can do this, but maybe in a month? We can take a grill out there and make some burgers and hot dogs. So excited for this possibility!
  • Of course there is the fact that I’m MARRIED! I feel like we need to do a dinner date with another married couple or something to feel truly married. As I write this my husband has been out of town 5 days and won’t be back for another 7 days. I miss waking up next to him - even though we fight every night because I like sleeping with the window open and he hates it (every noise wakes him up). 
  • I’m also super happy that I got to spend a week with my nieces and nephew. By coincidence my husband went out of town the same week in which my nieces came into town to visit. I picked them up after work every day, made them dinner, took them to the pool, made popcorn and cake, and watched movies. We were all spoiled. 
  • I’m also so happy that I won an awesome planner a few months ago (I forgot from which blog! I’m sorry!). I’ve been using it to keep track of my life, including appointments, blog posts, and other events that I want to remember. 
  • Fruit. It has been a great season for fruit so far. I’ve been downing plums, peaches, and cherries as if there were an endless quantity. A market here has peaches for .49c a pound sometimes and we never pay more than .99 cents a pound. Ralphs (Kroger) also has awesome fruit for good prices. 
  • Hair. Hair. Hair. I actually look like I have hair now. After 3 tedious perms in a period of 14 days I finally have curls that look good. I’m hoping they stick around for a while. In the meantime I’m learning the tricks to fighting frizz (I never had frizz before), keeping my hair moisturized, and looking good walking out the door. 
  • In the post where I shared the things that annoy me I mentioned some co-workers that drive me insane. I also have awesome co-workers who not only do a great job but are great people and I am so happy to come to work every day and be with them. I have made one great friend in the office who has been a mentor, friend, counselor and anything else you can think of. No matter where our work paths take us, I think we’ll always be friends. 
  • My engagement and wedding rings are so sparkly that I automatically smile when I look at them – which is still often. I’ve admired other rings after choosing the ones I have and have even been a little jealous at seeing shinier and more sparkly rings, but I am really happy with what I have. 

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  1. The smell of new leather really is the best. I hope the curls stick around for you! You and your Hubby look so cute together! And fruit? I can't get enough.

  2. I love the leather smell. mmm

    And I seriously want a close-up shot of your rings ma'am! Post them on Instagram!
